Hi, my name is Jordan, and I’m a self-help book junkie!
I’ve never been an avid reader until I learned about the power of a self-help book! There’s literally a self-help book for everything these days; How to make money, how to gain self-confidence, how to clean up your life. There’s a book for literally everything and that’s why they make such a great addition to anyone’s collection of books. As a now 31-year-old woman, I’ve read a ton of them. Some were amazing and I think you should read them too! So if you’re interested, which I hope you are, here’s my list of 10+ best self-help books for women. Let’s get started!
52 Ways To Live A Kick-ASS Life- Andrea Owen
This was the first self-help book I had ever read, and boy did it kick my butt into gear! Andrea candidly talks about her struggles with living her life on the sidelines and then deciding to live it fully. How did she change her life? She CHOSE to! This book really helps you see that life is all about the choices we make. What’s also great is that she allows you to only read the sections you want to. If something doesn’t pertain you to, don’t read it. You’re in control now! Her HELL YES attitude and bullshit detector are exactly what you need to help you make some changes and live your best life! Live a kick-ass life by clicking here!
Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
This book is another one with a no-bullshit, real-talk, attitude. You’ll see that’s a theme here; perhaps it’s because I’m that way too? Anyway, as a creative person, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the “is what I’m creating good enough” game. Elizabeth helps you snap out of it and create freely and fearlessly. My biggest takeaway? Not everything has to be perfect; just get it out there! Make BIG MAGIC here!
You Are A Badass – Jen Sincero
Jen is not here to coddle you, and you’ll find that out pretty quickly. It’s witty, to the point, and filled with funny stories about her life. If you’re into manifestation, she touches on that; calling it Source Energy. Source Energy is something she teaches you to harness and to keep your vibration high! There were some parts that seemed a little condescending, but overall it was a good book. Learn to be a badass here!
Girl, Wash Your Face – Rachel Hollis
I know this book was controversial, but I did get a lot out of it! The whole book felt like having a conversation with a girlfriend. At so many moments I had the thought of “Omg, that’s so… me!” If you only read one of these books, let it be this one. There were some parts about being a mother and family life that I couldn’t relate to, but it was still great. Click here to get your copy!
#Girlboss – Sophia Amoruso
Ok, so this isn’t a self-help book, but it really inspired me. To read about how she started selling vintage clothing on eBay, to being CEO of the huge clothing empire Nasty Gal, is truly amazing. She also gets candid about her troubled past as an angsty teenager that had me giggling and saying “yep, I knew someone like that.” If she can do it, we all can! Learn how to be a #GirlBoss by clicking here!
Make It Happen – Lara Casey
This book does a really good job of showing you how to keep going, even when things get tough. Lara shares stories about her life; the good, bad, and ugly. The most impressive thing is that she never gave up. This book is based on her faith in God, so if that’s not your kind of thing, maybe skip this one. I’m not religious and didn’t know it had those kinds of undertones, but I still thought it was good. Get your copy here!
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck – Mark Manson
Ok, I’m going to be totally honest here, I had a tough time getting into this book at first. Maybe it was because I had just finished Girl, Wash Your Face, and they have VERY different tones. I found this book to be a little aggressive at first, but once I read a few chapters, I was hooked! This book is NOT for the faint of heart or overly sensitive. You want to know why? Because Mark does not give a f*ck. He tells it like it is and is unapologetic about it. If you’re someone who needs to hear things straight and doesn’t like warm and fuzzies, this book is for you! Start not giving a f*ck now, by clicking here!
The 12 Week Year – Brian P. Moran & Michael Lennington
This book is perfect for any of you who struggle with keeping on task, have trouble planning, or leave everything to the end of the year. This book is all about thinking in a different way; Instead of a calendar year, think in weeks of 12! I’m not going to lie, I found some parts of this book to be incredibly dry, but maybe it was because all the other books on this list were written with so much personality. Either way, I thought it was good and definitely one you should check out! Start planning your 12 week year now!
Blog Inc. – Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Unless you’re looking to start a blog, this book won’t help you, sorry. I thought this book was encouraging as well as helpful. It was filled with great information and guidance from a pro! If you’re looking to start a blog, this book will help ease you in. Click here to get a copy for yourself!
The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up – Marie Kondo
Ok, if you haven’t heard of this book by now, you’ve been living under a rock. I mean, the lady has a show on Netflix now! As someone who loves to tidy and organize, this book helped me to up my game! It helped me to finally let go of those pieces of clothing I couldn’t part with before and surround myself only with things that spark joy! Click here to check it out!
You Are A Badass At Making Money – Jen Sincero
Here’s another gem by Jen Sincero! Back at it again with her brutally honest ways, Jen teaches you the power of “Source” and how to use it to your advantage to make money. So, if you have blocks when it comes to making money, You NEED to check out this book. She’ll have you fired up in no time and ready to make that money, honey! Click here to check it out!
The Happiness Advantage – Shawn Achor
This is for all of you who love the “behind the scenes” aspect of anything. In this book, Shawn talks about the science behind being happy. He talks about research and studies he’s done in the past and how happiness starts with you. It’s definitely one of the more interesting reads on this list. Click here to check it out!
Shop Self-Help Books Here!
I hope you found this post helpful! Like, I said, I love a good self-help book so make sure to save this post, I like to update it every now and then! Have you read any of these books? Are you going to? Leave a comment down below! Links to these books are down below! Happy reading!
xo Little J
P.s. Since you’re already on this self-love journey, check out my 4 week Self Love Club! Four weeks, for challenges, lot’s of self-love! Sign up below to join!